Individual goals of offenders
For TI victims: Eliminating competitors by massive reduced "live results", shorter lifetime, suicide; changing succession
For Gangstalker: Putting him/herself in jeopardy by enlarging unscrupulousness; massive reduced "live results", shorter lifetime
Global goals of offenders
Please guess.
* Causing negative feelings like envy, fear, disappointment, rage, guilty conscience
* Causing stress in general
* Time robbery (getting slowed by Mind Control, wrong information, additional work)
* Conditioning (connecting something with a special feeling which can be easily enlarged (e.g. fear driving a car); "Pavlov's dogs experiment")
* Destroying confidence ("Zersetzung")
* Humiliating by causing embarassing situations or causing destructions of property
* Disinformation about offenders
* Disinformation about everything
* Giving just half of the info although knowing more
* Agitating against others (by telling lies or exaggerating)
* Supporting sluttery (e.g. by telling "nobody cares about mistakes"; keys, money, documents can be easily stolen "nobody will steal here")
* Causing predetermined breaking point in health
* Reducing inhibition threshold (to provoke TI-errors)
* Brutalisation (by habituation, resignation)
* Reducing of social contacts
* Destroying / littering information ("paperless office")