Body Control - to cope with

If you have serious physical trouble, a doctor must be consulted. This doctor must be ambitious and helpful. If you go to the doctor, laboratory analyses and imaging procedures are important. Additionally you should ask a second doctor if there is an indication for illness. The bad organization can cause concentration problems for every doctor when he or she looks at the pictures/reports or builds a therapy plan. The good organization protects if you ask a good doctor; in my case presumably the 4. dentist may be okay, because the other three were not able to focus enough. (He wasn't, also his staff not when he left the room. They tried to evoke a gingivitis.)

If it is possible you should take naturopathy first, because they have less side effects.

Artificially generated problems sometimes you have to stand for a while or you ignore them. Additionally fear/panic feelings are generated. Therefore you get much more worried about than necessary.

The following things helped me:

·         Fear of getting cancer: drinking a cup of green tea each day

·         When an infection starts: drinking tea of “cistus incanus”, Echinacea drip (alcoholic extract)

·         Weakness: You have to stand.

·         Weight gain by water retention: exercise, lymphatic drainage, no diet

·         Joint/articulation problems (skeleton): moderate movements, also in warm water; neither treating with care nor overexert; women should eat soya food

·         Dizziness: magnesian food, e.g. 1 banana each day

·         Allergic lymphedema (Photo 1; e.g. foot balloons, you get pruritic eczema, which stinks, hydrous liquid escapes): it helps to eat fresh sweet ananas (Photo 2) (2-3 slices a day) and to cover the active zone with cotton (socks, gloves)

·         Pricking near stomach/heart/chest: belching

·         Little compulsive movements: Focussing on the movement; simply standing it for a while until it is gone; if it is embarrassing for you having audience: consider an excuse or exaggerate and “play a little theater”

·         Problems with heart/circulation: some exercises (e.g. 1 hour going for a walk every two days or gardening)

·         Cardiac arrhythmia: some exercises (one neighbor is nearly 90 years old now, having it since 60 years)

·         Nervous “heard twitch in the esophagus”: Ignore, knock on the sternum

·         Problems while speaking: Try again and again and focus on it

·         Pricking / stomach ache around the belly button: open trouser button

·         Toothache: Open mouth at “Voice-to-scull” a little, vitamin B2

·         Unpleasant (electrical) feelings in the nose: breath in humid air

·         Headache: sleep for a while, fresh air; Don’t worry about getting a stroke

·         Unpleasant feelings in the genitalia (painful stimulation of behind septum of vagina): press strongly, e.g. with a bandage or sit down on a voluminous pillow (for men look at Photo 3)

·         Feeling of thrombosis, heavy and/or painful feelings in the legs: “cycling” in the air; go for a walk; stand on tiptoe several times

·         Sickness: Drink some water or milk; sleep on the left side

·         Trembeling: Relaxation, warm clothes

·         Strong menstruation:
- homoeopathie permanent: in the morning 6 globules calcium carbonicum D10, in the evening 6 globules kalium carbonicum D10;
- during strong bleedings every 30-60 minutes 6 globules hydrastis D 10 (reduces the bleedings approx. by 50%, which was still too much);
- ferruginous food, good to digest, e.g. lamb and sorghum (sometimes difficult to tolerate, if you don’t come from africa);
- medicine from drugstore/ chemist's only for some weeks as a cure, because sickness and other problems can occur (I couldn’t take it)


Photo 1 - Lymphedema, can also happen e.g. at your fingers.


Photo 2 - Fresh ananas

Help your genitalia

Photo 3